Here is a list of my ongoing and previous research projects.
High Performance Artificial Intelligence
developed performant python-based ML code for GPU architectures
used cunumeric and FlexFlow with Legate for acceleration
Large Language Models for Fortran to C++
use large language models for aiding Fortran simulation code translation to C++
use mixture of LLMs with prompting (zero/few shot learning) and fine tuning
create workflows and GUIs, uncertainty analysis and validation.
Fighting Fire with Fire: Enabling a Proactive Approach to Wildland Fire
create predictive machine learning models for in-depth analysis and visualization of ensemble wildfire data
create explainable models for such large-scale ensembles
In-Situ Inference: Bringing Advanced Data Science Into Exascale Simulations
create in situ ML algorithms for modeling extreme events and perform sophisticated statistical inference,
use neural networks for Gaussian Process parameter estimation, unsupervised clustering for feature tracking/identification
couple Julia runtime with Fortran simulation codes, develop new streaming and parallel distributed inference techniques, scalability analysis and handle extreme-scale simulation data
deliver to open-source repo PRISM .
ECP ALPINE: Algorithms and Infrastructure for In Situ Visualization and Analysis
under Exascale computing project, develop automatic feature-based sampling method for compression of extreme-scale spatio-temporal datasets,
contribute HistSampling filter to VTK-m/VTK-h code base
use Summit for scaling and testing
Real-time Adaptive Acceleration of Dynamic Experimental Science
automation of LabVIEW-based tools via machine learning and feature detection algorithms,
acceleration of existing ML regression code on GPU and multi-core CPU for faster computation,
UQ for high dimensional data and PCA-based reduction, developed interactive open-source tools for data exploration,
sensitivity study for determining input parameter saliency.